[Wylug-help] Telewest BlueYonder Broadband

Roger Beaumont (Local) roger.b at beaunet.force9.net
Sat, 14 Jun 2003 00:41:04 +0100

At 17:18 13/06/03 +0100, Gary Stainburn wrote:
>I'm just looking at updating my dial-up =A313 per month BY account to Broa=
>(ethernet option) and was wondering if anyone had any horror stories I sho=
>know about.

I converted with the assistance of Martyn Ranyard (contributor here).

I got the Telewest engineer to install to an NT box, at least I tried to!
In the event, I had to install the relevant drivers (since he <and the auto
install CD> couldn't cope with NT!!!) and it still didn't work - the
engineer left saying that, 'the server must be down at the moment.'

Martyn first fixed that by going to the TW site and registering me & my
box, then whipped the NIC and cable modem over to the Linux box he'd
previously set up for me and had things up and running in about a third of
the time the TW engineer spent not succeding...

Since then (5 or 6 weeks ago, I think) everything's been hunky dory, except
for one night when the connection went down, and despite re-booting
everything, the link just wouldn't come up.  In the  morning, everything
was AOK again, suggesting to me that the engineer's, 'the server is down'
may or may not have been the correct explanation when he gave it, but was

The only other glitch was that 2 existing NICs (which both worked fine for
my LAN) wouldn't work with the cable modem, but in the long scheme of
things, the cost of an overpriced new NIC from TW didn't seem too important=

Probably not too horrific, but that may suggest what weaknesses in the
offering for which you may need to be prepared.


Good networking,

Roger Beaumont