[Wylug-help] X Keyboard Oddness

James Holden james at microcosmos.co.uk
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 15:21:34 -0000 (GMT)

Simon Wood said:
> This string of characters is probably because the keyboard is faking an
> extra key, without actually having a different scan code.

Yes, this is what seems to be happenning. I couldn't find any jumpers on
the keyboard to change this behaviour either.

> Under DOS (and probably Windoze) you can hold the Alt key down and then
> type the (decimal) ASCII code for a character. This character will
> appear once the Alt key is released.


> I can't think of a way of implementing this on X. You may need to write
> a little application to capture the 'Alt+num+num+num-alt' sequence and
> insert the '@' back into the keyboard queue.

Bleugh.... there must be a way of getting X to play ball with this one.

> For examples on who to insert back into the queue you could look at the
> various 'On Screen Keyboard' Code.



James Holden, Leeds, United Kingdom
Happy Birthday RMS!