[Wylug-help] Building FreeBSD and NetBSD filesystems on Linux

Dave Fisher wylug-help at davefisher.co.uk
Mon Aug 8 15:29:33 BST 2005


I've been messing about with Xen recently and managed to run many
different distros and OSes in VMs (domains in xen-speak).

Thus far I've had to run the BSDs off disk images, since I've been
unable to find a convincing way of building UFS and UFS2 filesystems
using Linux utilities.

I realise that I could use the BSD VMs to build appropriate filesystems,
but my spare disk space is under LVM and I'm not yet comfortable enough
with either BSD to risk trashing the volume group.

So does anyone know a simple way of creating UFS and UFS2 slices,
partitions, and filesystems from Linux?


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