[Wylug-help] Wireless networking and Linux

gARetH baBB hick.wylug at gink.org
Wed Sep 28 09:10:50 BST 2005

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Dave Brotherstone wrote:

> However, it apparently cuts the rate in half, which scuppers me for using my
> existing 802.11b router, as I need all 10Mbps out of the box downstairs. So,
> it looks like the best way will be 2 x the same 54g WDS Repeating support
> router - either WRT54g or the Netgear one Gareth suggested. All I need now
> is to get the budget approved by the Mrs! :)

The wg602v2 isn't a router, it's an AP.

The 602's bridged ethernet port, even when the AP is in WDS repeating 
mode, will perform as good as you'll get out of 11b (if it's repeating a 
11b AP), it's only the wireless side which "suffers" as you describe - but 
you won't get what you'd normally expect out of 10M ethernet from 11b 
anyway, it's more akin to 6M.

You haven't exactly said what you require, do you require 10M FD ?

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