[Wylug-help] streaming video from a pc without X to a pc with X

simon simon at mungewell.org
Thu Jul 20 15:45:54 BST 2006

Wow, a man after my own heart.....
Xubuntu, Ekiga, Ad-Hoc (tell me you're using OLSR as well)

Sounds too much like the cluster of machines in my house :-)

The Windows port of Ekiga uses SDL (in some capacity) so maybe this can
also be applied to the 'server' end. If you can't you could always use
remote X, or X on a dummy framebuffer.

If you want finer control of the Ekiga settings you can use gconf-editor
to hack stuff you can't see via preferences.

You can set the 'server' to auto answer, so you just need to call from
the 'client'.

What's this for? I'm guessing some remote drone, or are you a
peeping-tom ;-)

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