[Wylug-help] OpenOffice Regular Expression Search and Replace

Smylers Smylers at stripey.com
Thu May 31 09:47:31 BST 2007

Mark Randall writes:

> In the replace part of the search box, you can specify an ampersand
> (&) to insert what was matched in the regular expression -

Ah yes; I obviously missed this (and \1 and friends) before sending my
recent mail.  It was the fact that & appears in a list of regular
expression characters, despite clearly not being one, which meant I
didn't find it!

> and I've managed to change the case by using the font effects option -

Note that that doesn't actually change the text's case, it merely
formats it in the specified case -- so the underlying character is still
an "A", but is being displayed as "a".  So if, for example, you copy and
paste the text to a text editor, thereby losing the formatting, the
native case shows.


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