[Wylug-help] Automatically back up usb drives?

Stephen Patterson steve at patter.mine.nu
Thu Oct 18 00:08:22 BST 2007

On 17 Oct 07, Scott Hodgson (linux at sh2515.plus.com) wrote:
> Yesterday I posted the exact same thing on LXF and apparently you can use:
> rsync
> USBsink
> Unison File Synchronizer
> Some thing inKDE settings can also do it
> But as of yet, I have no idea how to use any of them, have you seen the 
> rsync commands?.

well, "rsync -av --delete /dev/sda1 ~/usb-backup" would backup /dev/sda1
to ~/usb-backup and remove any files in ~/usb-backup that aren't present
on the usb stick, *if* it is /dev/sda1. But don't modify the files in
~/usb-backups or those modifications will be overwritten.

Unison needs a configuration file but can cope with modifications on
either side. It asks you to confirm the transfer of non-matching files
in either direction (or to merge them).

Stephen Patterson :: steve at patter.mine.nu :: http://patter.mine.nu/
GPG: B416F0DE :: Jabber: patter at jabber.earth.li 
"Don't be silly, Minnie. Who'd be walking round these cliffs with a gas oven?"
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