[Wylug-help] extra HTML properties for access by javascript

James Holden wylug at jamesholden.net
Thu Feb 4 12:08:08 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 11:48 +0000, Gary Stainburn wrote: 
> Hi folks.
> I have table with an onclick event that I want to pass arguments to based on 
> the TR that is clicked.
> In other words I want to add extra properties to the TR object.  I can do this 
> within javascript, but can I do it straight from HTML? I want to do something 
> like:
> <TR id="13"  VehID="20">
> so that in javascript I can then read vehID as a property of the TR object
> In Mozilla, it just ignores any properties it doesn't expect. Not tried it in 
> IE yet
> Gary


Stick a hidden field in the first td?


<td><input type="hidden" value="foo">cellcontent</td>

If you're using a framework such as jQuery it's trivial to reference
hidden it from the row in which it sits.

There are probably more elegant ways too, of course.

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