[YLUG] meeting times

Stephen Garton sheepeatingtaz at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 21:25:50 GMT 2006

>>>> I'd like to suggest that we have the meetings on fixed dates each
>>>> month. Say the 7th and 21st for example. Then we could have one date
>>>> for talks and one for social. This is easy to remember and has the
>>>> advantage that the actual days would change each month so everybody
>>>> should be able to come some of the time.
>>>> What are peoples opinions?

I can't make Tuesdays, but would really like to start coming to
meetings. Therefore any solution which presents options *other* than a
Tuesday would be better for me personally.

I also think that the 7/21 option gives a suitable amount of both
repitition (i.e. the same Dates every month) while cycling through the
days of the week to give everyone with prior commitments on certain days
 to at least attend some meetings

Steve Garton

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