[YLUG] Setting up eduroam wireless on university campus?

Mike Cohler mike.cohler at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 16:56:20 BST 2007

I run Fedora (F7) and have my home wireless LAN running with a Linksys
AP set to use WPA-PSK and my laptop runs perfectly well in a wireless
connection using wpa_supplicant with this system (it is a Dell D610
with IPW2200 wireless chip). This has only recently become possible
with new versions of the kernel in F7, but it does work well

However, the problem is getting a wireless connection at the
university. I have tried almost everything I have thought of or been
able to dredge from the web on setting up the wpa_supplicant.conf file
for the network block required to get a connection to the
WPA/TKIP/PEAP/MSCHAPV2 encrypted wireless connection to eduroam on

I have set it up with and without various of the parameters such as
pairwise/group/ca_cert (from the verisign root server)/auth_alg/eap
and so on. I am aware that wpa_supplicant is still in development and
that it does have some problems with specific access points, but it
would be nice to get this working.

I presume I must have missed something obvious, but does anyone have a
working wpa_supplicant.conf file for a laptop that does connect to
eduroam on the York campus (with passwords etc obscured of course) so
that I can see what I am doing wrong? Preferably F7 based setup but
any Linux laptop which has been able to connect would at least give me
a pointer in the right direction.



mike cohler

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