[YLUG] D-link

Phil Jordan lists at philjordan.eu
Tue Feb 26 08:09:42 GMT 2008

Dr P Dupre wrote:
> I would like to follow your advice, but according to my information
> the FC8 uses /dev/sdx and it is limited to 15 partitions when I
> already have 17 partitions. When Fedora will let me use this partitioning
> I will move on.
> Am I wrong ?

I don't know about Fedora, but other distributions (e.g. OpenSUSE 10.3)
with recent kernels that use the libata code (which is what restricts
you to 15 paritions) let you blacklist certain kernel modules. If you
blacklist the libata drivers, it should fall back to the older drivers.

I suggest figuring out which kernel module your current distro is using
for the ATA, (scan through the output of lsmod or look in your initrd
config) then look up how to blacklist modules on the Fedora
installation. (on OpenSUSE the kernel parameter broken_modules is used,
so you'd append broken_modules=ahci to the kernel parameters for
example) Then, I'd boot up boot up a Fedora 8 rescue system and check
what kernel modules it detects for your system, rebooting with those
modules blacklisted, and repeating until you end up with the same
modules as on your old system. Make sure you can mount all your
partitions at that stage. Then just kick off a normal
upgrade/installation with the same blacklist.

It has to be said though: 17 partitions? What were you thinking!? I
strongly recommend that you consider using LVM on future systems.


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