[YLUG] D-link

Alex Howells alex.howells at 0wn3d.us
Sun Mar 9 20:57:50 GMT 2008

> Yep. And that's if you even manage to get over the package version
>  conflicts that will almost certainly arise. Installing a newer kernel
>  than stock will sometimes work, an older one rarely does.

Getting something like Debian or Ubuntu on there would be nice ;)  I'm
biased, of course!  Nothing stopping you installing the latest
packages using yum/rpm though and then manually fucking with
/boot/grub/menu.lst to boot the kernel you need, but yeah...... that's
a huge hack!

> Agreed. If there's some super-compelling reason not to use LVM2 (I can't
>  think of one) then just split the partitions over two physical drives.

I'm a huge fan of LVM2, it solves so many issues. Most common one I
see is "big" arrays with >2TB in total disk capacity but standard
partitioning has a 32-bit limit, so your hardware RAID controller
needs to implement carving to split it into ~1000GB disks (as far as
the operating system is concerned) or you can't partition it.

... you end up splitting up the RAID-5 array, then using LVM2 to
"stick together" multiple physical volumes again :P

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