[YLUG] Talk slides, next social, next talk

Nicholas Thomas nick at lupine.me.uk
Tue Feb 2 19:38:07 UTC 2010

On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 14:53 +0000, Tom Hayward wrote:
> What I've found (and we've been giving lectures to the other side of
> the country using this method) is that a very good basic model for
> giving remote talks is:
> 1) live audio stream
> 2) most digital stuff (slides or live demos) will transmit well with
> an adequate connection over VNC.

I can volunteer server power for VNC-ness. Probably. Depending on how it
needs to be set up - I've never really done it before. I also have a
bluetooth headset and an asterisk server and an awesome phone, so
could /probably/ get the audio into the headset, onto the asterisk
server over sip into a conference room of some sort that other SIP-ees
could listen into and get recorded. Or out again via RDP or something
similar. Again, not something I've done before ;)

Can't help with videoing of the talk itself, although I do know a guy
who's done some YSTV stuff. Their equipment generally seems a bit...
big? Bulky? Hey-owwwge? But who knows, maybe they've got a digital
camcorder hiding away somewhere that'd do the job nicely.


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