[YLUG] Upgrading best-practice

Steve Almond steve at silkandslug.com
Mon Jun 7 21:28:09 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I'm almost embarrassed to mention it, as it sounds horribly un-techie, 
but my current Linux-based problem is regards upgrading. More 
specifically, I want to upgrade a headless server from Ubuntu 10.4 on 
two partitions (/ and /home) to Debian (or Ubuntu 10.10 or whatever) on 
at least two partitions. I've looked at it a couple of times, but my 
research only gets so far before it bogs down in partitioning scheme 
dogma, upgrading verses installing, worries about upgrading config files 
while keeping settings, etc.
     I'd appreciate a pointer towards a reasonably-definitive 
guide/source of info, if such a thing exists. If anyone else has a 
similar question, then maybe it might also be an topic for a technical 
session - not that I can attend on Mondays in term-time, but it's not 
just about me!


     Steve Almond


Steve at SilkAndSlug.com
Tel.    01904 466 833
Mob.     07947 017652
Skype     SilkAndSlug

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