[YLUG] FW: Why is my Fedora 14 so slow; how do I install flash and wobbly windows?

mike cloaked mike.cloaked at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 11:51:12 UTC 2010

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Alex Armani <alex.armani at live.co.uk> wrote:
>>>Why is my Fedora 14 so slow; how do I install flash and wobbly windows?
>>In what way would you say its slow?
> Unresposive desktop gnome nvidia 64 meg g force. only can get install 100%
> if use full drive. need propriety drivers for fgraphic and adobe flash plaer
> and chromium lubuntu is fine but bugs when installing updates,,,,
>  maveric 32 was fine LUbuntu was fine but corrupted doing update power
> loss,.....
> but had power cut and need to keep install only works if use whole drive
> fast as anything on maveric rc before.
> Cannot work out how to install anything. never stops downloading updates...
>>Looks like you have a fairly low spec setup there, might be worth trying
>> one of the desktop environments which require less oomph. Like XFCE or LXDE
>> or even a netbook spin.

If you could say how you installed F14 it would help.  I will be happy
to guide you with some help and hints once you give some initial
information with details.

Also could you say what the hardware is, and how you did the install -
i.e. what disk partitioning scheme did you use - or did you allow
defaults?  Also do you have a swap partition?

As for using chrome (which is actually working superbly and better
than chromium) I can guide you with how to install it - but I do need
to know what you have done up till now before I can respond sensibly.

mike c

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