[YLUG] Job Opportunity - Please pass on

James Hall rio at x5g.com
Wed Nov 17 16:58:07 UTC 2010

Hey there,

I've been to quite a few of the meetups in the past. I own a company called
Snapshot Media. We're a 'digital agency', we basically deliver bespoke web
applications, content management systems and e-commerce apps. We're looking
to hire someone who is really good at CSS/HTML5 and is excited by new and
upcoming technologies.

We're based in York - our website is at http://snapshotmedia.co.uk/ - you
can see the job posting here:


We're all young and love what we do, our office is on York St John campus -
though we have no direct affiliation with them. It does mean there is a bar
about 20 seconds away from the office door. :D

If you're interested please send us your CV, we're looking for smart,
motivated people to make cool stuff with us! Please pass this on if you know
anyone too.

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