[cumbria_lug] fat32 file system

Chris Plant cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Aug 18 09:49:00 2003

On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 09:43  pm, <guy.murray@boltblue.com> 

> Hi,
>    tried using "noauto,user" instead of "default" in /etc/fstab as 
> suggested .
As previously stated, fat32 has no system for permissions or ownership. 
  So, when Linux mounts the partition, it needs to be told which 
permissions and owners to use.  If it isn't, it uses root and 644/755 
After quickly looking at the man page, the options you need are:
+	uid=some_uid - Set the User that owns the files on the disk, so in 
your case it would be the uid of your normal user.
+	gid=some_gid - Set the group that owns the files on the disk, so in 
your case its the gid of your normal user's group (users ?)
You must put the numeric values of the uid/gid (as I read this), not 
the name, so your uid is probably a number at around 501 or 1001, 
depending on distro.  To get this, look in passwd.  To get the GID look 
in /etc/groups.  You could also do a ls -ln in /home and the numbers 
you want will be the ones associated with your home dir.
+	umask=value, this sets the permissions for the files on the disk.  
This is a bit wierd, it is the permissions that ARE NOT present.  So, 
if you want to exclude nothing, it would be 0000, or if you want to 
exclude any access by everyone, it would be 0007.

I hope this helps, its slightly confusing.  You can email me directly 
if you want more help, as then you can attach config files etc.
