[Cumbria] re the RH SuSe "discussion"

Ken Hough cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Jan 6 13:42:05 2003

Chris Plant wrote:

>On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 22:50, David Latimer wrote:
>>As someone yet to try Linux seriously, I don't have any prejudice for
>>either.  Since both distros appear to be successful, can I suggest that
>>far from engaging in intemperate exchanges about which is superior, you
>>focus back to the question Ken asked some weeks ago, namely how to sell
>>Linux to others.
>Don't show them SuSe for a start :p
Rubbish! I've installed SuSE on a number of PCs now and find it very 
simple and effective.
All the reviews that I've seen rate SuSE installation as one of the best 
-- so it's not just my opinion..

Ken Hough