[dundee] [jtsmoore@revolution-os.com: Re: Screening of Revolution OS]

jim dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Tue Jul 22 20:44:01 2003

>I have few problems with windows any problems are usually when networking older versions or W2K which is tricky if your not sure what your doing. XP networks very easy. But then I have been using Windows for years so I know where to look if problems occur. I have the problem with Linux that nothing works as I expect and therefore get frustrated that it doesnt work the way I think it should. 
I am getting a little better, just a matter of lots of practice.

On another subject is there a modern version of vi I used to use the vi 
command on an old Xenix system in the 80s but I was hoping there was 
something else these days.
