[dundee] Taylug Weekly Articles 8 - POMS

Tim Spencer samurai.mit at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 21:15:34 GMT 2008

to this 'discussion' i just want to add, since i have been reading
katherdrals and baazar, that failures in design i.e. bugs become more
apparent the more people use the OS hence bugs in microdoft are more
apparents then in linux but that said since more developer (tripple d's
even) look at the linux kernal and not just the experience coder more bugs
are being found and solved fast and more efficiently in linux.
it seems to me gary that u pick a topic and always look at it from a wired
The underlying problem is that microsoft or as often refered to M(cant find
my doolar sign) is profit orianted their ideal is to get people hooked and
hooked good e.g. paying money for something u have and even more for a
useless upgrade and they seem to have problems stating their upgrades i.e.
what they upgrade.
I will now return to my game which takes ages to loades its maps form which
this email is the side affect.
i can elaborate further on ideas which are staed in kathedral and the bazzar
but for that i need to find my book.


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