[Hudlug] Help in linux setup

hudlug@mailman.lug.org.uk hudlug at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Mar 31 18:53:00 2003

> Which brings me on to something else I wanted to talk about tomorrow 
> night.  Like I said at last months meet, I really feel as though we should
> try and progress the LUG into something more than regular (nevertheless 
> enjoyable) pub and IRC meets.  I suppose in my lofty postion (despite our
> flat hierachy(thanks Ozi))it's up to me to set the wheels in motion.
> So, any ideas anyone, we can of course chat about it more tomorrow.

I know I've only managed to attend one HoS, and that was by accident 
(just happened to be in there and heard the magic word "telnet" 
across the pub!), but I think a while back we discussed the 
possibility of a more formal meeting/event.

I think there's at least one other Hudlugger (apart from myself) who 
works for the University and we might be able to wrangle one of their 
meeting rooms - possibly even with presentation facilities.

I'd be happy to have a go doing a talk, although I'm not sure how 
interested you'd all be in e-learning interoperability standards :-D  
I can probably bluff my way thru something to do with Apache, Perl or 
mod_perl if that's of more interest... or even a beginners talk on 
Perl (although you can probably find a lot better on the web!)

Could the other University Hudluggers please announce themselves and 
say whether or not they in a position to wrangle meeting rooms for 
free?  I'm currently working in the Learning Centre (on the old admin 
corridor on floor six near the personnel office), as a web 
developer/project officer on the INFORMS Project 

Davey P
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