[Lancaster] Connections ...

Richard Robinson richard at beulah.demon.co.uk
Tue Nov 19 01:32:01 2002

revealing my ignorance here, I haven't been keeping up with the progress
of hardware ...

I currently connect to the net via good ol'fashioned modem, and I'm
thinking it's about time I got something a bit nicer. It looks as though
I could get ADSL, for not much more than I'm currently paying (the
standard BT, probably via Demon); but I'm wondering about a couple of things ...

1) 50:1 contention ratio - could be slower than a modem, at worst. What's this
like in practice, can anybody comment ?

2) Are there any alternative types of connection I might also want to think
about ? I'm not aware of any, since the attempt at cabling us went broke,
but as I say, I haven't been paying a lot of attention.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem