[Lancaster] Meeting 5th November

Wayne Ward wayne at lancastercomputers.co.uk
Wed Nov 12 17:23:26 UTC 2008

Yes ken im in full agreement being tied to a meeting each week is not going to 
happen ill go for the meet next week if gareth and andy are available and ill 
see if dave is back etc .. And ill have a word with andy about the basement so 
i can get more of a picture about the project and we can have the monthly 
meetings as we already have this in place and then any extra time can roll of 
to the basement which we can sort that between us when individuals are 
available to commit etc etc. 
So to sum that up we keep the monthly meeting and roll of any other time 
people are interesting in putting into the basement project when we sort that 
We can discuss the posters / website at the next monthly meeting when we all 
attend and get some direction on this, we nearly have the access for the site 
so we can get this sorted pretty fast and im not sure if anyone wants to take 
on board the job of designing and maintaining the posters - i did look at the 
previous posters and they was a bit like dont use microsoft etc which i dont 
think is a good approach im pretty certain we could draught a A4 poster 
between us in the pub and then some one who has publishing skills design it 
and send out through the mailing list for suggestions etc etc.

I just noticed i missed the linux expo for october in london! damn have to 
wait another year now! What is the schedule for the lug radio and if anyone is 
thinking of taking a trip down ..
I see dave has attended a few times like...

Ha the mini doesnt take ram im afraid!! only petrol :-)



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