[Lancaster] YASI (Yet Another Short Introduction) !

Serko Katsikian kserko at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 12:48:14 UTC 2009

Hello everyone,
it looks like this is a day to introduce new mailing list members so I 
thought I'd introduce myself too :)

My name is Serko Katsikian, I come from Greece and after completing an 
MSC in Adv.Comp.Science at the University of Lancaster 2 years ago, and 
spending another year there as a research student, I am now working as a 
handset developer for a company in Manchester. I am a Gnu/Linux user 
myself for a number of years and would like the opportunity to meet 
other like-minded free software enthusiasts and maybe do something for 
the community in the process. Anyway I just found out about this LUG a 
couple of days ago and was looking forward to meeting with you today (I 
even persuaded a friend of mine to come over with me) but reading the 
mails I see that the meeting has been postponed till next Wednesday. All 
else equal then, I'll see you in a week.


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