[Lancaster] Hello

Ken Hough kenhough at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 25 15:25:40 UTC 2009

On Saturday 24 January 2009 23:22:54 Wayne Ward wrote:
> Id just like to say hello and see if anyone has anything interesting
> they are working with.
> Im just looking at a CRM package for linux called sugarcrm
> Dont know if anyone is familiar with this or any other crm systems for
> linux.
> Regards
> Wayne
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Hi Wayne, Guys!

I'm not doing anything that might be described as (really) interesting, but am 
using the PC quite a lot. Apart from personal admin stuff, I've still been 
exploring 64 bit SUSE v11.1 and the latest version of VirtualBox (ie v2.1.2).

I've noticed that software vendors are posting SUSE versions more quickly than 
used to be the case. eg 64 bit SUSE v11.1 rpm version of VirtualBox 2.1.2 
posted as the new version of VB was announced.

I do enjoy looking at other OSes and Linux distros, but it used to be a pain 
to have to set aside a PC to do this. Invariably this would be a relatively 
slow PC, so installs and mods took a long time.

Now with VirtualBox on my main quad core PC, this can be done quickly and 
being able to store the running state of guest OSes means that startup can be 
VERY QUICK! So much better than having to dual boot! As far as I can see, the 
only disadvantage is that access to hardware via VirtualBox is limited to 
CD/DVD drive, COM and USB ports.

64 bit software can still have a few 'wobblies'. For example, although the 
latest version of the Arduino IDE (0012) does work under 64 bit SUSE (see 
instructions given on the Arduino website) , it crashes when commands are 
sent to the Arduino board via the USB connection. My simple fix is to run 
Arduino 0012 on 32 bit SUSE v11.1 via VirtualBox. This works 100%.

That's about all folks, except that during a 'tidying up' exercise, I 
accidentally deleted my mail box. I was backed up so lost only a few days 
worth of stuff, but it was bit scary at the time!

And then someone managed to discover my credit card details. Fortunately, a 
nice lady in India contacted me to query things in good time. I did ring the 
next day to confirm that it was a genuine call. ;-(  This meant that my 
credit card was cancelled and a new one was sent, which I've now got. I've 
just got to re-set various accounts to reflect the new card number.  :-(

I guess that my details got out via an Internet seller that I had used a few 
weeks ago. I had cause to phone them and discovered that their server had 
been attacked. The fraudulent attempt to access my card account was made 2 
days later.

Well, that's enough excitement for now.


Ken hough

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