[Lancaster] Hosting - WebFaction

serko kserko at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 17:40:26 UTC 2013

Ι actually switched to Webfaction after Andy's recommendation, and 
although it lay there unused for a while, over the last few
months I've come to put it to good use. Specificaly I have set up a 
phpbb forum and Mediawiki instance for a community project I'm involved.
This is no way makes me an 'advanced' webfaction user, but for what it's 
worth, in my experience it's a really good service providing a great 
amount of flexibility. One thing to take note from a personal experience 
though. They do provide shared MySql instances if you want to knock 
something together as fast as possible, but I found that this often 
creates "too many connections" error as the mysql instance is shared 
among users of the same machine. They do however allow you to set up 
your own Mysql instance which cannot be shared with anyone (and solves 
the mentioned problem), but this process is not automatic, it takes a 
little configuration but it's worth it.

just my two pennies worth

On 05/12/2013 16:52, Richard Robinson wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm thinking of looking for new hosting for a website, and the one that's
> looking best is WebFaction - their description of how to use their control
> panel to set up your own code as a daemon and contact it over a port is v.
> impressive, and exactly the sort of stuff I need - and I think I remember
> that it was mentioned favourably here, a while back. By Andy Baxter, IIRC,
> and maybe a couple of others.
> So, given that that was a while ago, maybe there are people here who've been
> using it for a while. Does anyone have any comments on what it's like,
> long-term, is it really as good as it looks ? Or if you dropped it, why ?
> What I have is a backend database (perl + mysql) running as a json-rpc
> server behind an /API url, and a front-end Drupal website that asks it
> questions and displays the results (plus a little bit of static content),
> plus I like to do development on the same server via ssh. Which isn't going
> to work on most cheap hosting, but from what I've seen so far, looks as if
> it'd be right up WebFaction's street. I've been doing it on a VPS so far,
> which was good while I was working out how to do it, but now I know that I'd
> really prefer to find somewhere with more competent admin (wry smiley).

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