[linuxjobs] OT: Alternatives to legislation. (Was: Sysadmins / Senior Sysadmin roles at The Positive Internet Company)

Ralph Corderoy ralph at inputplus.co.uk
Sat Mar 11 10:56:37 UTC 2023


Alexander wrote:
> I’m actually hopeful the UK will eventually legislate to require job
> postings to require a compensation range be stated.

The Government can't afford its current size so I don't favour adding more
legislation.  Employers pay to keep up with legislation.  The Government
pays to police it.  That all needs to be outweighed by the benefit.

> This would avoid a lot of time for hiring managers and applicants,
> since we wouldn’t waste effort talking to companies/applicants where
> expectations are not aligned.

I find it a bit annoying when money isn't discussed in a job advert.

If I were looking for work and it was a ‘buyer's market’ then I'd skip
that advert and move on.  I would be rewarding employers who give a
rate.  If a job board sees rate-giving employers are getting more clicks
then their ads might rise through the search results.  Or perhaps the
board would make rate giving a sort criteria as it learns job seekers
click more and it likes clicks as it correlates with income.

There's lots to try before more law.

Cheers, Ralph.

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