[Liverpool] Group Future (Was: Places To Drink)

Vladimir vladimir.jakubovskij at gmail.com
Fri May 8 10:31:58 UTC 2009

the group should stay the same. it's a Linux Users Group.Linux users use
Free/Open Source software primarily.
we are not "kernel" users. we use software. talking about software, 'unix
freedoms is absolutely in line with what LUG is about.

2009/5/8 Andrew Williams <andy at tensixtyone.com>

> On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 01:50:44AM +0100, Dan Lynch wrote:
> > That place was pretty cool actually. As long as we could get the bigger
> room
> > it could be pretty good I think. Interesting that you mention debating as
> > this is mostly what happened at the Wetherspoons last time. Not about
> open
> > source but mainly about films, music, which numbering system is best and
> > 80's synthesizers. Now there's an odd bunch of topics :)
> >
> > I'm sure we could mix in some open source and other techy subjects
> though. I
> > dunno how others will feel but it might be a good idea to see what the
> > people at the pub have to say. Can't hurt to find out and then decide if
> > it's the right venue
> Again, we're slipping away from the L in LUG :)
> Not this is a bad thing, I've said a few times about moving the group to
> a more general "free software" group, as it's turning out as time goes
> on that the actual need for a LUG is very low.
> So, lets put it onto the table. Heres a few ideas/actions I have
> spinning around my head, possible routes so to say:
> 1) Should Liverpool LUG be changed into a "Free / Open Software" group,
> this in turn will remove the focus of Linux within any meetings and
> generally cover the usage of free / open software in any area, arts,
> computing, and modern life.
> 2) A new group group to be formed under the above ideals and Liverpool
> LUG reborn into a pure Linux user group.
> 3) Changing Liverpool LUG into a general geek group, coverting art,
> music, development and geekery. Much like GeekUp but less emphasis on
> Web 2.0 and web development.
> 4) Stay the same.
> I'm interested in what other people think, lets get some discussion
> going.
> --
> Andrew Williams
> w: http://tensixtyone.com/
> e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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