[Liverpool] Diaspora

David Nelson dave at dnel.co.uk
Fri Apr 20 19:05:32 UTC 2012

I can't think of any reason they can't start doing this today, but if they did 
it would greatly expand the number of available pods. I like Diaspora and I 
run web, email and XMPP servers, I would probably run a Pod too if I could be 
bothered with the additional overhead of testing they're expecting me to do, 
but frankly I'm not motivated enough. They really need to reach out to server 
admins and get the services online. Then do the same for client developers and 
half the battle is won. I'd be very happy to see this happen soon.

On Friday 20 Apr 2012 19:50:21 Bob Ham wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-04-20 at 19:29 +0100, David Nelson wrote:
> > I'm not talking about it being open source, of course it is,  but the fact
> > that they do not provide source in versioned bundles, you need to
> > synchronise your server using git
> I see what you mean.  Strictly speaking, the project is in a very early
> state and most projects will refrain from making versioned releases
> while the project is still under heavy development.  I've done this
> myself.
> However I appreciate the argument that the Diaspora project may have
> reached a stage where they should be making versioned releases.  There
> is a danger that it will simply devolve into using the date or the
> source repository revision as a version number.
> The project is not without its problems.  I've just been involved some
> blunt finger wagging on their mailing list about the atrocious
> documentation.  Time will tell whether the project will find its feet
> and successfully attain the lofty goals set for it.  Personally, I
> believe the very presence of the project has changed the landscape for
> the better.
> Meanwhile my pod is up and running.  It exists and works right now :-)
> I enjoy using it and communicating with people in the Diaspora network.
> Long may it continue :-)

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