[Liverpool] IoT Liverpool Meeting Next Week

Alex J Lennon ajlennon at dynamicdevices.co.uk
Thu Jan 16 17:05:34 UTC 2020

On 16/01/2020 17:03, Dan Lynch via Liverpool wrote:
> Hello all,
> Thanks to Matt for his talk at our last meeting. I am still processing 
> the video but will have a final version uploaded soon and available on 
> our newly updated site - https://livlug.org.uk
> Just a quick note to say there is an upcoming meeting of IoT Liverpool 
> who we've done some joint events with in the past. They have the 
> people from Balena.io coming in to give a talk about managing your IoT 
> devices with their platform and Docker. It should be a great 
> opportunity for anyone who enjoyed the subject at the last meeting to 
> follow up with the people who actually make these tools.
> The meeting is next Wednesday, Jan 22nd at DOES Liverpool where we 
> normally hold the LUG anyway. So nice and easy to find.
> There is a meetup listing with more details here - 
> https://www.meetup.com/iotliverpool/events/267931050/
> They have an RSVP which they would appreciate if you can respond to if 
> you're coming. Yes it involves having a meetup.com account but it also 
> means they can work out how much pizza and beer (non-alcoholic drinks 
> available) they need. So I think it's small price to pay. Metaphorical 
> price of course because the meeting is completely free, as in beer.
> Hope to see some of you there :)
> Dan

Thanks Dan - alternatively if you REALLY don't want to use MeetUp, and 
who can blame you, drop me an email to let me know you're coming :)



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