[SLUG] You know what really pisses me off about Linux?

David Webster dave at dave-webster.com
Thu Jun 9 17:36:05 BST 2005

john at johnallsopp.co.uk wrote:

>You know what really pisses me off about Linux? You open a text file
>to copy some text, close it because you don't need it any more, go to
>your destination and paste, and the text isn't there. The original
>file has to stay open for the paste to work, which means rather than
>just carrying on with the document you're working on, you then have to
>break your train of thought to go back to the original document to
>close it.
>Or am I missing a trick?
I think it's copying by reference, rather than by value (aka.  It's 
copying the pointer to the text in memory).  That's the standard Unix 
way.  There is a service application in KDE called klipper, which (I 
think) enables Windows-style copy and paste, rather than mark and paste.


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