[SLUG] Library display, a gathering and a push forward

Ian Eade webmaster at hammondgallery.co.uk
Mon Oct 10 22:51:16 BST 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: scarborough-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:scarborough-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Stephen
Sent: 10 October 2005 12:07
To: Scarborough Linux User Group
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Library display, a gathering and a push forward

john at johnallsopp.co.uk wrote:

>Can we install Linux for people?
>Steve's the only person who has put his hand up as feeling capable of
>doing this, although JA will probably feel capable of that soon.
I think we need a list of caveats, namely being that some hardware may 
not be compatible and that we'd need to see a list of 'required', 
'preferable' and 'optional' hardware that they wanted to use so that we 
could assess it? As for feeling confident enough to install, I feel less

confident given that noone else did. I should clarify that I feel 
confident of getting a GUI installer, recent, distro going on a 
semi-modern machine. However draw the line at saying I can get anything 

>We find problems with installing at the person's home and with asking
>them to bring their machine to one of our houses or to a meeting. Our
>best bet seems to be an installfest style event at a venue which has
>an Internet connection, the favourite being Scalby school.
My favourite too.

>Ideally, those wanting an install should prepare by backing up their
>system and providing us with details of their hardware, 
You got me again.

>There seems to be a consensus that we choose a distro that will suit
>most people and get used to installing it and offer only that. We need
>to choose a distribution and then our installers need to do at least a
>trial installation. Who wants to recommend what? Let's have this
>discussion and decide, since this is probably on the critical path.
I vote FC4. Having tried FC2, FC3, FC4 and Suse I feel that FC is more 
user-friendly and has a better chance of supporting hardware. I don't 
have experience of any other distros unfortunately.

Cheers for the summary John - it enabled me to join in again as I was a 
bit swamped!

I also have a number of coverdisc DVDs/CDs which I don't see why 
couldn't just be left on the desk for people to take. They're all within

the last 12 months or so, they should be ok for those that just want to 
play - provided we offer the usual disclaimer :P

Steve O


I'll put my hand up for installing something on whatever is presented,
naturally some recommendations/agreements are required:

* The donor of the computer shall not hold the installer responsible for
any loss of data or damage whatsoever
* The donor shall be responsible for backing up all data
* The chosen distribution should match the donors computer (in terms of
hardware etc), encapsulation is good so the donor is not baffled or
frightened by the potential array of options available depending on
their hardware/software and.

So the more generic the donor computer the trickier the distribution can
be installed, basically aim for FC 4, Mandrake 9/10 etc for cutting edge
computers and Debian etc for more genric computers. A newcomer won't
notice the differences in distributions but will notice a failed
install/lost data etc. Over time they will either take to Linux and want
to advance or forget all about it. 

The most important thing at this stage is to successfully install Linux
irrespective of the distribution or what the donor wants to do with
Linux, these things can be fine tuned later.

Crucially a written agreement should be presented and agreed upon
between the installer and the donor before anything is started. May
sound a bit formal and serious but all hell will break loose if the one
in a million event occurs and a computer is trashed and the installer
then becomes liable and the donor looses everything.

When I get my act together I will attend a meeting, probably the next
one but commuting to Northallerton tends to sap your desire to go out on
a night.

Ian Eade


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