[SLUG] Wake on Lan

Stephen O'Neill soneill84 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 26 12:11:41 GMT 2007

Mike Bennett wrote:
> However, if the point of using WoL is to save power by not having a
> machine on 24/7 then this idea is kind of void.

Exactly! Thank you :D

I wince whenever the "always on" machine suggestion is brought up as 
then you're having some machine on being utilised 1% of the time but on 
100% of the time, it makes no sense.

That said, I did leave our oven on overnight on Saturday night :( aside 
from being lucky not to burn the house down I guess I used c. 6 months 
of the electricity I have saved in recent years through not using stand 
by or low energy bulbs etc.

Mr Blair backs me and my human right to waste energy through 
forgetfulness though so that is ok.

Oh well, back to the cave.

Steve O

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