[Bassetlug mailing] /var/lib/mysql full
mj.wells at ischus.co.uk
Mon Mar 2 18:02:03 UTC 2009
You have posted Ok. Sorry for not replying sooner. It is helpful if you put
a Subject in the heading to the email so a quick look sorts out the
different threads.
To look at the problem we need a little more information, but we can make
some guesses as well.
1) I assume that you have space on other parts of the filesystem so that the
problem is not that a single disk/partition in your system is full.
2) You could have a second disk or partition probably mounted against /var.
If this is so then the partition has been filled up with all the things in
/var. Sometimes an install will break up your hard disk into different
sections called partitions that are then put together by mounting them into
different parts of the filesystem. It is an interesting discussion as to
whether one big area is better or worse than lots of smaller ones. The
downside of breaking it up is that you can run out of space on one of the
parts, while having room you don't need on one of the others.
There are several things that would help us look at this:
a) Go to a command terminal and use the command 'DF' (don't put the
quotes in) - and post the result here.
b) Issue the command: 'cat /etc/fstab - and post the result here.
If this is the problem (and it may not be) then using a program to
dynamically repartition the disk may be possible.
We assume that you are running a recent version of Ububtu?
You say you are 'not very experienced with Linux' - none of us are, there is
always another corner to turn where there are new complexities and exiting
ways to do new things. That is why we have the group so that we can share
knowledge and can help each other.
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