[Beds] Access Log Analysis

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Tue Jan 31 12:54:44 GMT 2006

Hi Darren,

On Monday 30 January 2006 17:03, Darren Parkinson wrote:
> Just a quick question regarding access_log analysis.  I've just tried
> Analog and Visitors for analysing the contents of an access_log file and
> also attempted to get Webalizer and Yaala to work too but with no luck.

I have webalizer working without much difficulty. It's pretty and obviously 
intended for web developers to tune their site dependent in access patterns.

N.B. I saw the Oakley Motorcyle Club advertisment in BoS this week. Are the 
two in tee-shirts regular attendees of the meetings (if so, I be there) :-)

Neil Darlow

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