[Chester LUG] Good broadband

John veedub at linuxmail.org
Mon Feb 6 08:55:52 UTC 2012

Go with Plus net..they are really good. I use them.

On 05/02/12 23:21, Stuart Burns wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> As per title. Virgin have just decided to increase my package by over 
> 5%  from the £65 a month I already pay (includes TV and phone!). The 
> thing is, it's pretty crap anyhow. VPN - Your having a laugh! They 
> advertise 120MBit broadband, but in reality, they won't let you get 
> anywhere near that speed.
> Problems include, limiting speed to 64K/s as soon as there is a sniff 
> of p2p traffic (Centos 6 anyone?). If you try and download more than 
> about a gig, ie a vmware ISO, your speeds get capped again. Then the 
> offshore technical support, who when you say "Mac" Metaphorically sh1t 
> themselves as it's not in their script and you know it's not your  
> issue as your modem isn't getting sync.
> I'm looking at Plus.net because as they say "Good honest broadband". I 
> am not particularly big downloader, maybe 5 - 6 GB a week, sometimes 
> more, sometimes less.
> Any suggestions welcome,
> Stu
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