[Deaf-lug] Linux Virgin

Dafydd Eveleigh develeigh at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 09:05:10 GMT 2007

I am suprised the minimal CD didn't work.

Did you try Ubuntu? Ubuntu works in the same way, just one CD.


On 08/02/07, andrew arthur <andrew.arthur at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yep, that's me. I have been meaning to get more involved with Linux for
> some years but my early attempts at installing it went badly wrong and I
> lost interest.
>  I am now installing Linux on my spare machine, an Athlon 1Gb job running
> in an Asrock K7NF2 board with an AGP graphics card and it also has a built
> in network and sound card.
>  I have tried Ubuntu but it will not load. I don't know enough about it to
> figure out why but the support forum mentions a bug that affects some
> machines. ie. me.
> Now loading Debian 3.1. First I got the minimal CD and tried that but it
> will not detect the onboard network card so it can't download from the
> Internet. Again I don't know enough to fix it so now I am downloading the
> full Debian CD set and burning CD's from them. I am up to CD4 at the moment
> so I will try and install the Desktop and get something started.
> Comments most welcome. Take me away from all this!
> --
> Andy
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