[Deaf-lug] Re: Ubuntu keeps shutting down

Dafydd Eveleigh develeigh at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 10:52:37 GMT 2007

I think I have found the problem.

It would appear the apci has a bug in it from version 6.10

The following forum


shows there is a bug :-(

so I need to install the acpi patch listed in post number 12 in the
following page


Now I am lost. Because the instructions given are for suspense2 (What ever
that is)

I am not sure how to install the patch as I find the instructions confusing

Can anybody explain the instructions easier please?


On 10/02/07, Dafydd Eveleigh <develeigh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Hope you can help.
> My Ubuntu keeps shutting down all the time. I can't see any error messages
> and there doesn't seem to be any particular event that seems to be making it
> shut down.
> I will be doing different things everytime so appears to be completely
> random!!!
> What it has shut down it won't start up again. I have to go into Ubuntu
> Recovery and type the following
> 'shutdown -r 0'
> to shut down properly. This doesn't always work first time and may need to
> go through the process a few times.
> The only thing that i can see that looks like error messages is:-
> killed by signal 15
> or
> Critical temp reached -264
> Thanks in advance for any support you can offer.
> Dafydd
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