[dundee] 'Win32 is the path to the dark side. Xp leads to anger.
Anger leads to Vista. Vista leads to suffering.'
chris wyllie
cgwyllie at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 16 16:57:38 BST 2006
I'd agree with you Paul about Ubuntu being a good thing for an easy install.
Wireless, I have always found with Ubuntu, will work fine although I have to
use ndiswrapper to load the windows driver for my card.
That was it really, catch you all later,
On 16/10/06, Paul Lancaster <paul_lancaster at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi
> For an intsall fest, Ubuntu/Kubununtu live cd works well, so far tried
> it on a Duron 800, P4 3200, and a AMD 64 based system without any
> problems, will try the laptop with a pc card based wireless connection
> some time this week - I hope. It has recognised all devices without
> intervention from me, just as well as it would have remained broke. The
> if all is ok has the option to install to harddrive, saving all the
> hassle of partitioning etc then finding it dont work properly.
> Ive actually come across an XP live cd, although live and XP just dont
> seem to fit together in the same sentence.
> See yawl soon
> Paul
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