[dundee] pkg-config

Nistur nistur at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 10 09:18:26 GMT 2008

Thanks both of you, I'm part way through getting rtorrent set up 
correctly now. I assumed that the .pc files should come with the 
development packages, however I have several other -dev packages on the 
router and that's what confused me.
I am currently building the latest stable build of rtorrent (tried last 
night and it failed because I didn't have ncurses-dev...) anyway, I have 
looked at the rtorrent xmlrpc guide but I'm going to try and use 
rtGui... and it's complaining that http://localhost/RPC2 doesn't 
exist... looking this up it says I should use scgi and add SCGIMount to 
apache2.conf (or httpd.conf)... I still don't get anything... for now I 
have symlinked /usr/bin/xmlrpc to /var/www/RPC2 and it seems to work... 
anyone happed to know what I'm supposed to do

azmodie wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:20 PM, Nistur <nistur at googlemail.com 
> <mailto:nistur at googlemail.com>> wrote:
>     I've just been doing some... upgrades on our router... installing
>     things
>     that might be useful for the flat...
>     The router is still running Ubuntu (now happily upgraded since
>     last time
>     to Gutsy) the only problem is that one of the things I'm doing is
>     installing rtorrent to it (to cut down on bandwidth usage as
>     everything
>     will be centralised). [Avoids pointless details] I'm rebuilding
>     rtorrent
>     because I want some of the newer features that the gutsy repositories
>     don't have (namely xmlrpc support) libtorrent however wants pkg-config
>     to be present. So I installed it.
>     I have so far been simply making the .pc files and copying across the
>     contents from my own PC. I've looked everywhere online to no avail, is
>     there any way to automatically create the files? Or as is more likely
>     the case due to the nature of them... is there a package containing
>     important ones?
>     Surely having to make the pkg-config files myself kinda makes
>     pkg-config
>     slightly less useful...
>     ------------------------------------------
>     http://nistur.chaosnet.org
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> I  compiled the latest svn trunk. on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy.
> make sure you have libxmlrpc-c3-dev libxmlrpc-c3 installed. (needed 
> for xmlrpc)
> i then used this tutorial to build svn version. although i used
> ./configure --with-xmlrpc-c
> http://www.howtoforge.com/compile_rtorrent_from_svn_ubuntu
> also note bug in xmlrpc.cc  http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/ticket/1254
> once installed copy the rtorrent.rc from rtorrent/trunk/rtorrent/doc/
> to ~/.rtorrent.rc and configure it as per requirements and 
> http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/RTorrentXMLRPCGuide
> this should get you up and running.
> azmodie
> -- 
> Umbrella Corporation :-
> "They are the fear within all of that there is a company. The 
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> A combination of Microsoft and the US Military. At some level there is 
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