[dundee] Dundee Mailing List

Arron 'Finux' Finnon finux at finux.co.uk
Tue Apr 19 12:31:08 UTC 2011

On 19/04/11 12:33, gordon dunlop wrote:
> I have modified the "Welcome Message" for new subscribers, in addition
> that Dundee is a public mailing list, all mail archives are fully
> accessible by the general public. I have also modified the TayLUG home
> page, where I have mentioned under the appropriate headings, that
> "Members are solely responsible for the content, personal information
> & web links contained within their email posts"  and "The mail
> archives are fully accessible by the general public". This should be
> enough to cover us, a disclaimer rather than a EULA is required here.
As i say only a suggestion bud, i would think though it may well be
worth grabbing swifty's DPA experience on this, we're also looking down
the barrel of a "rite to forget" addition in to data being held, i do
wonder if that holds any weight to us as well

Arron "finux" Finnon

Finux.co.uk - Twitter.com/f1nux - facebook.com/finux

PGP: http://finux.co.uk/finux.asc

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