[Falkirk] Greetings ~

Ian Stevenson 1ianstevenson at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 17:37:21 UTC 2012

On 08/03/12 16:34, Denise Wood wrote:
> Thanks Guys :)
> I think I want a distro that'd just get me up-and-running
> out-of-the-box, but would force me to tinker to get it to work right.
> I've been considering just using Kubuntu, since I'm familiar enough
> with Ubuntu(Gnome) so I'd get to learn about KDE...
> But I've also been considering using Debian with Fluxbox, just to do
> something that's nearly completely different.
> I'm not sure, though. I'm planning on just running them in VMs until I
> pick one that I actually like, so I'm happy to try different things.
> Denise
Hi Denise,

I've been using Linux Mint 12 with Gnome Classic since Ubuntu went with 
Unity, and so far I've been happy with it. It uses the Ubuntu 
repositories so it is just like an up to date Ubuntu without Unity.

Debian is nice, too, but I find the repositories are usually a bit slow 
to update, though others may disagree. The testing distribution is 
better than stable in that regard. The only thing I don't like about it 
is the release names, because I can never remember which is which and I 
need to keep looking them up.

Bodhi Linux is another you might find interesting, but I haven't used it 
and I can't comment on their repositories.


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