[members at lugog] - HELP! Debian (Lenny) update

Alan Levett alan at hidown.plus.com
Mon Dec 6 20:06:13 UTC 2010

My thanks to John Lewis for his most helpful answer.  I copied it to my 
supplier of the DVD's, and he was most grateful.  He has copied the deb 5.0.7 
upgrade DVD, and is forwarding me a copy, too.
Now starts the fun of doing the installation - I think the cowards way is 
favorite, a complete install.  Then the update!!!
Unless, that is, the 5.0.7 disk (labled as DVD 1) is used instead of the first 
one of the set ???

Will report how I get on.

Bye the way, my 'rig' is akin to what ancient Electronics Engineers christened 
the Cossor Double-beam oscilloscope - The Cossor Double Hernia!  Yes, it is a 
real Door-stop-delux, from those unenlightened days when traders made 
donations of equipment to various groups and organisations.
I understand that the EU has since enlightened traders to the errors of thier 
ways, and now redundant equipment is 'correctly' disposed!

Spec? 800Mhz Athlon (can't seem to clock it faster); 1.5 Gigs RAM; 2 HD's - 
a):76.4 Gigs (16 to Mepis 6.3, and 60.1 to Debian); b):28 Gigs to Mepis 8.5; 
HP Photosmart C4680 printer/scanner. B/band (LOL) capable of 6 Mb/s actual 2 
Mb/s, and a download limit of 6 Gigs/month during 08:00 - 24:00 (Free 00:01 - 
07:59.)  But I'm far too old now for all-night download sessions!

Again, Thanks


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