[Gllug] dead people support microspot

Jon Masters jonathan at jonmasters.org
Mon Aug 27 15:26:23 UTC 2001

On 27 Aug 2001 14:57:52 +0100, Formi wrote:

>  This is in today's Mirror, Kelly's I

Yes but it's been reported earlier in the week - it's an old story :)

> Is there no end to the depths that Bill Gates will sink to save his
> company?

Probably not, but then, he is but a nasty evil evil evil wicked man. I
believe the only real solution is an extremely unlikely combination of
natural events coupled with a long rope and and old ship with a *really*
big keel to haul him with, although that might still be too pleasant.

> Clearly Bill Gates is a more talented man than we gave him credit for,
> but raising the dead is surely beyond his capabilities.

One of my friends pointed out the significance of the "XP" in "Windows
XP" could also refer to the second coming - perhaps raising the dead is
a hidden registry feature or something...who knows? any MCSE types know?

>  Let's hope he never decides to became a politician ..........

Oh I don't know, he owns more politicians that most people.

> God doesn't exist, if he ever had, he'd have had committed suicide.

Probably quite true.


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