[Gllug] [Fwd: Re: [LBC] Demon]

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Mon Aug 20 20:53:07 UTC 2001

On 20 Aug 2001, Jon Masters stated:
> This makes me laugh - like it's normal to have no service for 12
> hours...

For Demon, periodically it is :( however, all ISPs have periods of
fsckup. Demon just has more practice at it, so can be even more
aggravating than most.

> Cc: gllug at linux.co.uk helpdesk at demon.net

I don't believe *that* got through. Not with that header.

> Well Demon are *still* down (although some customers have partial
> connectivity again). This was apparently caused by a failed Black
> Diamond box which has knocked out their "entire system". Their fix is

Once upon a time, they were planning to have redundancy cause fewer
points of failure. It appears that the Thus `management' have quashed
that, as well as introducing lawyers into the process of getting a
network status message into status at gate and muzzling the staff.

>                                       No failure setup, no backup plan,
> no excuse - this clear incompetence on their part is amazing.

I understand (from my limited contacts) that it is pressure from moronic
short-termist management that's doing this :( the techies want to do a
good job and are prevented from doing so.

>                                                    It would seem they
> are begging people to get pissed off and go elsewhere.

Oh, Thus's mushroom policies have been doing *that* for
ages. Unfortunately they still provide some things that nobody else does

> Somebody please tell me when the primates took over - was it when Thus
> entered the show?

Yes on the communication front. No on the stupid failures front.

>                   or had it alreay happened by then? 12 hours of
> downtime now...

Pah, that's nothing. Ask on demon.service about the Great News
SNAFUs. The First GNSAFU, if I remember (it may have been the Second),
was purportedly because of a need to copy the news spool from one
machine to another. At that time (1996) it was about 30Gb or

This process, it seems, took weeks...

`It's all about bossing computers around. Users have to say "please".
Programmers get to say "do what I want NOW or the hard disk gets it".'
                        -- Richard Heathfield on the nature of programming

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