[Gllug] LDP licence and Debian.

Pete Ryland pdr at pdr.cx
Tue Dec 11 18:23:14 UTC 2001

Actually, on a related topic, I'm looking to become a debian maintainer.
So... I was wondering if there are any debian maintainers that will be
around on Saturday at the installfest that could sign my gpg key?


On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 11:17:25AM +0000, David Damerell wrote:
> On Tuesday, 11 Dec 2001, William Palfreman wrote:
> >But if a package is developed within Debian itself, the whole package is
> >under Debian control and voting rules.
> Yes and no. The version in Debian can be changed, but that's true of
> any package in Debian; and the original author can continue to develop
> their own version, but that's also true of any package in Debian.
> >Yes, upstream or within.  I think being upstream is better, rather than
> >something being part of Debian as an internal project.  If you were
> >internal, and *not upstream* then the project would be under full Debian
> >control - otherwise I have badly misread the Debian constitution.
> A GPLed project can't be under anyone's full control, really.
> >So, although it may sound like I am having a go at Debian, I'm not.  
> >Cygnus may be able to operate within the FSF, but unless I have totally
> >misread the Debian Constitution that is completely forbidden - Debian is
> >wholly non-commercial and has only individual developers.  So Cygnus
> >style companies have to be upstream - right?
> Um, Cygnus doesn't operate 'within' the FSF; it's just that a number
> of Cygnus developers are also FSF gcc developers, because its their
> job.
> I don't see why someone's job could not be to be a Debian developer;
> there's nothing in the Social Contract that would prohibit it.
> -- 
> David Damerell <damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk> flcl?
> -- 
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