[Gllug] Erratic Mouse Behaviour Now off topic

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Sat Dec 8 01:02:42 UTC 2001

On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, harry yowled:
>                            This is a trick question as I am sure you know a 
> BH does not have an exhaust in this dimension.

Quite so; you have to give the dimensions a quick twist and shout (well,
rotation) first.

>                 Be careful and make sure that you check for leaks as it can 
> cause all sorts of problems when you get a draft up the nether regions in one 
> just look at Mo Mowlam. 

But, hell, that's better than what can happen with other devices; for
proof of the existence of negatively charged strangelets[1], see Ann
Widdecombe. If that's not an organism composed principally of bulk
strange matter (or bulk strange *something*), I don't know what it is.

--- but we can prove it. An entity of bulk strange matter the radius of
Widdecombe would have detectable gravitational effects (because she'd be
at nuclear matter density, like neutronium). Has anyone seen such
effects? They'd generate large amounts of heat and light, and irregular
infalling matter flows might lead to occasional explosions, and
consequent rushes of matter (and sane people) away from Widdecombe.

Yes, it looks like she is, indeed, composed of strangelets.

[1] `nucleons' (of arbitarily large size in some models) composed entirely
    of strange quarks, growing without bound by absorbing normal quarks and
    converting them into more strange quarks.[2]

[2] this reaction yields lots of energy; if it takes place in atmosphere,
    it yields lots of heat, light, and hot air.

`The situation is completely under control. All of them were killed.'
     --- Alim Razim, for the Northern Alliance, demonstrating fine
         command of traditional Afghan prisoner control techniques.

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