[Gllug] Dumb Apache question [OT]

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Mon Jul 9 16:21:36 UTC 2001

On 09 Jul 2001 15:50:16 +0100, john.hearns at framestore.co.uk wrote:
> The question I'm asking is,
> in the DirectoryMatch if one fails, does it then fall through to the
> next
> one, or does it just exit.
> If so, is there a way to force continuing on till the next?

It's taken me a whole pint to figure out you mean that there should be a
fall-through on authentication, rather than a fall-through on

But Apache won't do that, AFAIK.

Now, if you can search through all your users, Marketing, Engineering,
and Sales, say, and make LDAP auth present the Org Unit as the Group,
then you could do:

Require group Engineering Marketing

Instead of 'require valid-user'.

Taking a quick, cursory look over the auth_ldap docs, it looks like
there's a way of doing this by something similar to:

require group ou=Engineering,o=AcmeCorp,c=GB
require group ou=Marketing,o=AcmeCorp,c=GB

However, I may well have not got that right, knowing very little about

Hope that goes some way to help.


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