: [Gllug] content

Simon Bunker sibunks at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 30 01:48:26 UTC 2001

Why is it that most Linux screen shots on the net have 3 million windows on
them? (OK slight exageration ;o) when most of the GUI's give extra virtual
desktops. Is it just that no one uses them or that all of them look like
that! Does anyone else use these much? I don't see it as much of an
advantage, unless you have two monitors with one on each. Or I might put
some downloads on another to hide it - I have never had to use all 4 (or 8)

Can anyone thing of a useful task for them or is it just yet another

UIN 11123737

> I told you I they came from your screen shots page
> http://www.linuxbrit.co.uk/screenshots/
> I haven't been to your uberpr0n page.

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