[Gllug] Erratic Mouse Behaviour

tet at accucard.com tet at accucard.com
Sun Jul 15 08:37:05 UTC 2001

>btw, does anyone know how to get a Sun Netra to turn itself on
>automatically after a power cut? In common with many soft-power systems
>the thing comes up turned off. Half my other machines do too but they're
>PCs so I'd expect them to be stupid; but there *must* be something in
>the OpenPROM tree that I haven't noticed to change this for decent

I'd guess this would be handled by LOM rather than OpenPROM. Try adding


to /kernel/drv/lom.conf, and make sure you have the tsdog watchdog
daemon running. After a power cut, it'll hopefully come back up to
a LOM prompt, and 40 seconds later, when the watchdog has timed out,
it'll reset and boot up as normal.

I haven't actually tried it, but it ought to work...


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